What’s the expert says about Distilled Waters
Selama bertahun-tahun Teknologi Distilasi telah menjadi salah satu teknologi pengolahan air yang paling direkomendasikan oleh berbagai pihak. Berikut beberapa dokter dan ahli yang mengakui dan merekomendasikan Teknologi Distilasi :
“I knew that distilled water was pure. I thought that if I drank plenty of it, I could get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it and it worked like a charm. I have kept up my drinking of distilled water and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it.”
“The only type of water that seems to be fit for consumption is distilled water, which is water that is absolutely free of any minerals or chemicals. Distilled water is made pure by first being heated to the point of vaporization, so that all of the “impurities” are left behind. Then, the water vapor is condensed. The process results in water that is in its purest form. Distillation is the single most effective method of water purification.”
“Distilled Water is pure water. A lot of people have been misled into believing that it robs minerals out of the body. Well, in my life I’ve been drinking Distilled Water for 35 years. The University of California Los Angeles, several years ago, told me I had the bone density of a 22 year old athlete. So, if in fact Distilled Water robbed the body of minerals, I would probably be crippled by now.”
“Distilled water is the greatest solvent on earth. (It is) the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.
What we as scientists and the public have never realized is that minerals collected in the body from water are all inorganic minerals, which cannot be assimilated (digested) by the body. The only minerals that the body can utilize are the organic minerals (from fruits and vegetables). All other types of minerals are foreign substances to the body and must be disposed of or eliminated.
Today, many progressive doctors prescribe distilled water to their patients. All kidney machines operate on distilled water.”
“Even tap water invariably contains a variety of poisons such as chlorine, chloramine, asbestos, pesticides, fluoride, copper, mercury, and lead. The best way to remove all these contaminants is by distilling.”

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Tentang Amidis
AMIDIS adalah produk Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) yang sudah diproduksi sejak tahun 1997 dan merupakan air minum distilasi pertama di Indonesia yang telah menjadi salah satu produk AMDK yang dipercaya karena kualitas mutu dan kemurniannya.
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PT Amidis Tirta Mulia
Jl. Bintaro Permai Raya, RT.6/RW.1, Bintaro, Kec. Pesanggrahan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 1233